Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Xmas list

It's mid November and I still haven't purchased one christmas gift yet. The kids have been browsing through the ads we get in the mail each day and watching all the toy commercial advertisements and everything they see, they say "I want that". So even though they would be happy with anything under the tree, here's a few hints for the auntie's doing early shopping.

Kenzie's list:
- Paints and crafts
- Dress up jewlery or play clothes
- Clothing size 5-6T, shoe size 11-12
- Her favorite tv show at the moment is iCarly

Micah's list:
- Trucks, trains, and horses... big time
- Clothing size 3T-4T, shoe size 9-10
- Balls: soccerball, basketball, baseball, etc
- Motorcycle toys

For me, I could use a day off to go scrap or a housecleaner for the day. :)


Shawnna Samples said...

don't feel bad I haven't purchased gifts for the kids yet either --- we can rush out in a mad dash on the very last second together ;)

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