Monday, November 12, 2007

Weekend Recap

I hate Mondays, it's so hard to wake up. Of course having two kids that got me up at least 4 times last night didn't help either. Micah did not nap well or sleep well yesterday. He was crying all day, he felt hot and sweaty feaverish. When he finally got to bed, Kenzie cried for me around 5:30 or 6 this morning. Didn't get a single thing accomplished the whole weekend except for 5 loads of laundry washed and folded. How many times do people do laundry a week? I think my MIL washes clothes daily because she always gives the kids a bath during the day, twice if I pick them up late and sometimes the kids will be wearing the same thing they wore that morning except it has been washed. I thought once a week was plenty but with 4 in our household and we each shower twice daily plus all the icecream stains, it makes for a LOT of laundry!

Saturday I took the kids over to Nok's I tried to do a photo shoot of the kids for Blou, my other SIL. It's just impossible to get five kids to smile at the camera at the same time. Portrait Innovations took over 80 shots the last time and we still could only get 4 out of 5 looking straight, well I only took about 20 then Micah got really anzy. These were the best.
I rec'd my TSR kit in the mail plus the two bonus kits, SR Salem and Love Elsie. I love getting scrapbook supplies in the mail! They just make my day. Wished I had time to scrap though...I didn't even get to pull them out of the ups box the whole weekend. Yesterday was one of those days where both kids were crying to be held and I was thinking, what in God's name was I drinking when I decided to have them so close together?!?
But I did manage to get about an hour's worth of time in my scraproom after 11pm last night. I worked on this project I'm doing as a xmas gift for a really good friend. It is turning out sooooo cool. I can't wait to post pictures when I'm done.


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